Greens Member for North Metropolitan Hon Alison Xamon MLC and Greens candidate for South Metro Dr Brad Pettitt have reiterated the Greens strong opposition to the Roe 8 and 9 highway extensions, saying the Greens have no interest in supporting an infrastructure project which destroys the Beeliar Wetlands.
Ms Xamon said her view on the destructive and ill-planned Roe 8 extension had not changed in the many years since the Greens first opposed the proposed road.
Greens spokesperson for Integrity Alison Xamon MLC expressed serious concerns over the findings of the Auditor General's report into Grants Administration which was publicly released today.
"The Auditor General identified a worrying ongoing lack of rules, requirements or guidelines to assess and fund grants across public agencies, including election commitment grants," said Ms Xamon.
Ms Xamon said that only 2 of the 8 public agencies audited had good grant administration practices across all of the audit criteria.
Greens spokesperson for Corrective Services Hon Alison Xamon MLC has called on the WA Government to do more to continue to reduce the horrific over-incarceration of First Nations people in Western Australia.
Ms Xamon said while the annual discussion around 26 January is an important one, and she strongly supported the campaign to Change the Date, it was crucial that the broader injustices still facing First Nations people in WA were given higher priority.
Greens spokesperson for Seniors and Ageing Hon Alison Xamon MLC has expressed her shock at the death of two seniors, following allegations of abuse of elderly residents at the Regis Aged Care Nedlands.
Ms Xamon extended her sincerest condolences to the families of the residents who have died.
She said changes were desperately needed to fix the broken aged care system in Western Australia and across the country.
“These people are our much-loved mothers, fathers and grandparents and they deserved to be protected from abuse, neglect and exploitation,” Ms Xamon said.
Greens spokesperson for Sexuality and Gender Identity Hon Alison Xamon MLC has strongly opposed the decision of the National Australia Day Council to promote former tennis player and Perth fundamentalist church pastor Margaret Court to Companion Division in the Order of Australia.
Ms Xamon said the decision to award Ms Court yet another award was inappropriate given her widely-publicised, extremely homophobic and transphobic views.