Greens spokesperson for the Public Sector Hon Alison Xamon MLC has called on the Government to provide clear direction to public sector organisations on how workers should perform their roles during the coronavirus pandemic.
Ms Xamon said she was concerned to learn many public sector workers were still being told to come into work, despite there being options to work from home.
Greens spokesperson for Corrective Services and Justice Hon Alison Xamon MLC has called on the Government to stop issuing Warrants of Commitment (WOCs) and suspend Work and Development Order (WDO) requirements if needed to ensure no Western Australians are sent to prison for fine default during the COVID-19 crisis.
Ms Xamon said the Government must ensure fines were not compounded at this time – particularly as people following official advice to self-isolate may not be able to go out to attend WDO activities, or to deal with fines in person.
Greens spokesperson for Mental Health Hon Alison Xamon MLC has called on the Government to ensure community managed mental health services are resourced to be able to meet expected increases in need during the COVID-19 crisis.
“This is of course a very troubling and worrying time for everyone, but particularly for people living with acute and ongoing mental health conditions,” Ms Xamon said.
“Self-isolation is clearly a risk factor for many vulnerable Western Australians.”
Greens spokesperson for Multiculturalism and Health Hon Alison Xamon MLC has called on the Federal Government to immediately release refugees and asylum seekers from ALL detention centres – to ensure they have the best chance to protect themselves against COVID-19.
Ms Xamon said the risks to people held in WA’s detention centres are the same as people currently in WA prisons – any outbreak of COVID-19 could cost lives, and put added pressure on our state’s medical system.
Greens spokesperson for Health Hon Alison Xamon MLC has echoed calls by the Australian Greens for Australia to immediately follow New Zealand and put in place a full lockdown.
Ms Xamon said that a time limited lockdown in line with New Zealand’s Stage 4 measures, requiring everyone, except those providing essential services, to stay home, and only make physical contact with those they live with, would prevent deaths and reduce the longer term economic impact of the coronavirus.