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WA Government must ban conversion therapy NOW

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Greens spokesperson for Mental Health Hon Alison Xamon MLC has renewed her call to the State Government to immediately ban LGBTIQ conversion therapy in Western Australia – and regulate the counselling sector to ensure best mental health practices are always followed.

Ms Xamon said evidence had shown so-called conversion therapy, which is predominantly carried out by unregulated counsellors and often in religious contexts, caused lasting harm.

Greens criticise Government for refusing to support cash-for-access reform

Friday, August 14, 2020

Greens spokesperson for Integrity in Government Hon Alison Xamon MLC has criticised the Government for refusing to support electoral reform banning political fundraisers which offer access to Ministers for large sums of cash.

Ms Xamon said the Government refused to commit to reforming laws which allow controversial political fundraisers such as the Leaders’ Forum, which sells tickets for up to $25,000, when she brought on for debate her Electoral Amendment (Access to Ministers) Bill 2017 in the Legislative Council this week.

Community shock at scale of development reveals Ocean Reef Marina consultation processes flawed

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Greens Member for North Metropolitan Hon Alison Xamon MLC has questioned the adequacy of community consultation processes associated with the Ocean Reef Marina development.

Speaking in Parliament, Ms Xamon said complex planning processes meant the community had been largely kept in the dark about the scale of the development.

Greens accuse Government of cowardice for refusing to accept recommendations of Parliamentary inquiry for reducing drug harm in community

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Greens spokesperson for Alcohol and Other Drugs Hon Alison Xamon MLC has expressed her dismay at the Government for its wholly inadequate response to the recommendations set out in the Help Not Handcuffs report – the result of a 13-month Parliamentary inquiry into alternative approaches to reducing illicit drug use and its effects on the community.

Isolated chest of man in white shirt with stethoscope and pens in breast pocket

Greens concerns over Planning Bill remain

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2020 today passed both houses of Parliament.

The Bill provided some long overdue planning reform, but also created a new streamlined approvals process for large developments that sits outside of regular planning law.

Among a number of other concerns, this Bill allows the Minister for Planning to direct another government agency to do things that would otherwise be illegal.

Hon Tim Clifford, Greens Spokesperson for Planning:
