Greens spokesperson for Integrity in Government Hon Alison Xamon MLC has called on the WA Government to improve transparency and accountability relating to the practice of strip-searching, as questions she asked in Parliament revealed that strip-searches during a ‘custody’ episode were up 60% in five years – while WA Police were unable to provide information about strip searches conducted in ‘other circumstances.’
Australian Greens Senator and Animal Welfare Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi and The Greens (WA) spokesperson for Animal Welfare Hon. Alison Xamon MLC have responded to the abhorrent allegations of animal abuse on Western Australian cattle farms that were revealed in an investigation by Sentient Media.
Greens spokesperson for Corrective Services Hon Alison Xamon MLC has criticised the Government for its failure to act to reform the state’s broken youth justice system – close to three years after its election promise to make drastic changes.
Speaking in Parliament last night, Hon Xamon said the Government had backpedalled on its assurances early in its term that it would update the Young Offenders Act.
She said answers to her questions seeking updates on the review of the legislation, kept changing.
Greens spokesperson for Industrial Relations and Worker Safety Hon Alison Xamon MLC has today warmly welcomed the introduction into parliament of the McGowan Government’s Work Health and Safety Bill.
“This legislation introduces much needed reform to WA’s outdated work health and safety laws – and is the result of long-term campaigning by unions, individuals and other stakeholders,” said Ms Xamon.
Greens Member for North Metro Hon Alison Xamon MLC has warned the impacts of climate change could be disastrous for the Swan River and its population of dolphins, unless more is done to reduce pollution and improve water quality.
Speaking in Parliament last night, Hon Xamon said the death of six dolphins since April this year reflected the broader vulnerability of the whole Swan-Canning river system.