Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

WA Budget: Cuts of 41% to prevention services will lead to adverse mental health outcomes and higher cost to state in long-ter

Cuts of 41% to mental health prevention services across the forward estimates will lead to increased mental health issues and a bigger cost burden to the state in the long-term, Greens spokesperson for Mental Health Hon Alison Xamon MLC has said today. 

Ms Xamon said the WA Budget failed to recognise the importance of prevention, early intervention and community support services in effectively addressing mental health in the community and in saving money in the long term.

Suicide in older Australians a worrying trend that cannot be ignored

Greens spokesperson for Suicide Prevention Hon Alison Xamon MLC has called on the Government to ensure it pays close attention to the increasing issue of suicide in older Australians, in the development of its next suicide prevention strategy. 

Ms Xamon said she had become increasingly concerned about older-adult suicide, which often occurred in situations of loneliness and isolation. 

She said anecdotal evidence also suggested older Australians were dying by suicide because felt pressure from their families or were being subjected to abuse and neglect. 


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