3160. Hon Alison Xamon to the Leader of the House representing the Attorney General:

I refer to Recommendation 3 of the Royal Commission into WA Inc, that an Administrative Decisions (Reasons) Act be enacted as a matter of urgency, and I ask:

(a)  does the Government intend to progress this recommendation;

(b)  if yes to (a):

(i)  what actions has and will the Government take; and

(ii)  when do you intend to undertake this work; and

(c)  if no to (a), why not?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:

(a)  No.

(b)  Not applicable.

(c)  Recommendation 3 of the Report of the Royal Commission into Commercial Activities of Government and Other Matters, 1992 (WA Inc Report) was that an Administrative Decisions (Reasons) Act be enacted as a matter of urgency in accordance with the 1986 Report of the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia in Project No. 26 Part II (paragraph 2.2.10).

This recommendation was responded to through the establishment of the State Administrative Tribunal, under the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 (WA) by the previous Labor Government.


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