Industrial Relations


1255. Hon ALISON XAMON to the minister representing the Minister for Commerce and Industrial Relations:

I refer to the proposal to establish an engineers’ registration scheme in Western Australia.

(1)  Does the McGowan government support this proposal?

(2)  If no to (1), why not?

(3)  If yes to (1), has the government undertaken or does it anticipate undertaking any work to progress this proposal?


HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [6.15 pm]: I want to speak tonight because we have limited opportunities before we end up rising for the year. I want to talk about the issue of engineering registration. The timeliness of this issue for me is that last night I attended the Association of Professional Engineers Australia division annual general meeting, where I was fortunate enough to be invited to speak on a panel about the need for a mandatory registration scheme for engineers. It is a position that the Greens have been very supportive of, and quite publicly so.


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