Industrial Relations


2032. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Industrial Relations:

I refer to the responsibilities of WorkCover and I ask:

(a)  does WorkCover monitor and/or audit the use of private investigators by the insurers providing WorkCover-compliant insurance to Western Australian businesses in relation to Workers Compensation claims;

(b)  if yes to (a), what information does WorkCover monitor and collect regarding this use of private investigators;

Industrial Relations reforms welcome but do not go far enough: Greens

Greens spokesperson for Industrial Relations and Worker Safety Hon Alison Xamon MLC has today welcomed the release of the final report of the Ministerial Review of the State’s Industrial Relations System in tandem with the Government’s response, but says even more must be done to improve conditions for workers.

“Prioritising  vulnerable workers through measures to address workplace bullying, increasing penalties for breaches of employment laws and strengthening of industrial inspector powers are long overdue,” said Ms Xamon.


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