The Greens have today criticised the government for failing to provide certainty over the future of the NDIS in Western Australia, following the release of the State Budget yesterday.
Spokesperson for Disability Hon. Alison Xamon MLC said there was a high level of expectation in the community that the budget would have given some indication of the Government’s intention for the scheme.
“For a while now the Government has been indicating to the disability community that clarity around the future of the NDIS within WA would come around the budget. The budget is here now, and that clarity has not arrived,” Ms Xamon said.
She said the government risked losing faith with stakeholders as it continued to fail to provide certainty about the future of the NDIS.
“In addition there was an expectation within the sector that the government might fund some systemic advocacy in order to facilitate the NDIS transition but that doesn’t seem to have happened either,” Ms Xamon said.
“This is yet another setback for people who have waited a long time to find out which system will support them, the Government needs to clearly state once and for all what the future of the NDIS is going to be.”