Older Australians

Elder Abuse a contributor to growing trend in older-adult suicide: Greens

The Government must ensure it pays close attention to the issue of older adult mental health and suicide prevention, Greens spokesperson for Seniors and Ageing Hon Alison Xamon MLC has said today, on UN World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. 

Ms Xamon said anecdotal evidence had shown that some older Australians were dying by suicide because they were being subjected to abuse and neglect - or felt they could no longer live with pressure from their families. 


HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [5.30 pm]: I rise only because I want to make some brief comments in response to the answer to one of the questions I asked today in question time. I asked a question of the Minister for Health via the parliamentary secretary about the emerging incidence of suicide amongst older Australians. I wanted to know what the Mental Health Commission was doing to address this disturbing trend in this particular population. I received a comprehensive answer that went over much of what is happening generally within the suicide prevention space.


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