374. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Planning:

I refer to the proposed clearing of 50 per cent of the bushland remaining on the Shenton Park Rehabilitation Hospital site, and I ask:

(a)  were any expert reports obtained regarding the impact of this design on the bushland’s value as an ecological linkage between the Underwood Avenue Bushland and Shenton Park Bushland Bush Forever sites;

(b)  were any environmental or ecological experts consulted while designing the development of the area containing the bushland;

(c)  if yes to (a) or (b), will the Minister please table any such advice or reports produced by said consultants; and

(d)  if no to (a) or (b), how can the Government be confident that the ecological values of this bushland will remain intact?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

(a)–(b) Yes.

(c) [See tabled paper no 850.]

(d) Not applicable.

[Tabled paper 850 -$file/tp-850.pdf


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