211. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Planning:

I refer to the parcel of land zoned “special use” to the immediate south of the proposed Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1270/41 and otherwise surrounded by Bush Forever site 325, and I ask the Minister:

(a) what was this parcel of land originally anticipated to be used for;

(b) is the answer to (a) still the planned land use; and

(c) if the answer to (b) is no, what is the current planned land use?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

(a) The parcel of land was originally reserved for the construction of the Beenyup Sewerage Plant Ocean Outfall.

(b) A portion of the special use area, owned by the City of Joondalup, is proposed to be rezoned Urban under the MRS Amendment 1270/41. The majority of the special use zoned area will not change.

(c) The Water Corporation has been consulted regarding the planned zoning change and proposed surface land uses to ensure adequate protection of the ocean outfall.



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