HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [1.02 pm]: I present a petition containing 2 929 signatures, couched in the following terms —
To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled.
We the undersigned are opposed to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) acceding to any request from the City of Joondalup (COJ) enabling it to acquire any Crown Land for commercial purposes, or for housing (under acquisitions) in the Percy Doyle Reserve (PDR). PDR contains the largest active sporting park in the CoJ. It has 7 permanent user and community groups: Greenwood Football Club, Marmion Cricket Club, Marmion, Sorrento, Duncraig Progress and Ratepayers Association, Sorrento Duncraig Junior Football Club, Sorrento Football Club, Wanneroo Joondalup Tee Ball Club and the Wednesday Social Soccer
Group. Presently, various State Management Orders designate this site for Civic, Cultural, Parks and Recreation use only. The northern part of the site hosts a very successful library with an associated recognised bio-diverse Natural Areas Reserve which feeds Carnaby Cockatoos and other associated fauna. The only Community Permaculture Edible Garden on Crown Land in the City of Joondalup operates in close association with the Library and is a delight to residents. The Percy Doyle Reserve is absolutely integral to community well-being in the City of Joondalup and in the broader regional areas and currently supports around forty (40) community and sporting clubs & groups. Any commercial, housing change to any part of this park affects the whole park usage.
We therefore ask the Legislative Council to support our petition and maintain the Percy Doyle Reserve as Crown Land and to its present Regional Park Designation — as one of the Foremost Sporting, Cultural, Civic & Recreational Spaces in the City of Joondalup.
And your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray.
[See paper 4664. - Purchase of land by the City of Joondalup in the Percy Doyle Reserve — Requests the Legislative Council to support the retention of the land as Crown Land - (2929 signatures) ]