2883. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Education and Training:
I refer to the answer to my question on notice 2644 answered on 3 December 2019 and the recurrent answer that figures were not available for West Coast Institute of Training and I note the General Disposal Authority for State Government Information lodged with the State Records Commission, and I ask:
(a) why was the information requested in question on notice 2644 unavailable for the old West Coast Institute of Training;
(b) has this information from the West Coast Institute of Training now been made available:
(i) if yes to (b), could the answer to question on notice 2644 please be provided with updated information;
(ii) if no to (b), has any attempt been made to recover this information;
(c) did the West Coast Institute of Training have an approved Recordkeeping Plan:
(i) if no to (c), why not; and
(d) do the current TAFE colleges all have approved Recordkeeping Plans:
(i) if no to (d), when does the Minister anticipate that these will be developed and approved?
Hon Sue Ellery replied:
(a) North Metropolitan TAFE inadvertently reported that records were not available for West Coast Institute of Training in response to question (c)(i) of Question on Notice 2644. The information was available and figures quoted in the response included the number of days lost for the five years from 2014 for the West Coast Institute of Training.
Data could not be located at the time to enable the inclusion of the number of days lost due to stress leave for staff from West Coast TAFE in response to question (c)(ii) of Question on Notice 2644.
(b) Yes.
Year |
(A) Lecturer |
(B) Admin/Support |
2014 |
130 | 90 |
2015 |
93 | 185 |
2016 |
176 | 35 |
2017 |
100 | 103 |
2018 |
300 | 212 |
Figures for 2014, 2015 and 2016 are for Central Institute of Technology and West Coast Institute of Training. Figures for 2017 and 2018 are for North Metropolitan TAFE.
(ii) Not Applicable.
(c) Yes.
(i) Not applicable.
(d) Yes.
(i) Not Applicable.