3362. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Corrective Services:
(1) Please advise which statutory reviews of legislation within the Minister’s portfolios are currently outstanding?
(2) On what date were each of these reviews due?
Hon Stephen Dawson replied:
(1) The following statutory review is outstanding:
The review of the loss of confidence provisions contained in Part X, Division 3 of the Prisons Act 1981 (WA) and Part 3, Division 3 of the Young Offenders Act 1994 (WA) (LOC provisions).
(2) Pursuant to section 110K of the Prisons Act 1981 (WA) and section 11CV of the Young Offenders Act 1994 (WA), the statutory review was due to be tabled by 23 February 2018. The finalisation was impacted by the Ministerial Review of the State Industrial Relations System (IR Review), which was tabled in Parliament on 11 April 2019. Of particular relevance is recommendation 36 of the IR Review. In addition, Loss of Confidence provisions had not been tested. The Department of Justice is seeking to include information on the recent use of provisions in review. Once completed, it will be reviewed and tabled accordingly.