1203. Hon Alison Xamon to the Leader of the House representing the Attorney General:

I refer to the $2 million drawn from the Criminal Property Confiscation Grants fund, and I ask:

(a)  has agreement been reached regarding the distribution of the outstanding balance from the $2 million;

(b)  if yes to (a):

(i)  which organisations will receive funds and how much will each organisation receive;

(ii)  who was consulted in this decision making; and

(iii)  when will the money be distributed; and

(c)  if no to (a), why not?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:

(a)  No.

(b)  Not applicable.

(c)  The distribution of funds will be made following tripartite discussions involving the Department of Justice, Legal Aid WA and the Community Legal Centres Association (WA). These discussions are expected to take place shortly as the new Director of Legal Aid only commenced on 7 May 2018. The $2 million allocation is applicable to the 2018/19 financial year.


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