1642. Hon Alison Xamon to the parliamentary secretary representing the Deputy Premier; Minister for Health; Mental Health:

(1)  I refer to the Spinal Cord Injury Model of Care released in 2015, and proposals to improve community outreach services, and I ask:

 (a) how many FTE Spinal Community Nurses were allocated to community outreach in 2015;

 (b) how many FTE Spinal Community Nurses were allocated to community outreach in 2016;

 (c) how many FTE Spinal Community Nurses were allocated to community outreach in 2017; and

 (d) how many FTE Spinal Community Nurses were allocated to community outreach in 2018?

(2)  Are there further plans to increase numbers of Spinal Community Nurses?

Hon Alanna Clohesy replied:

I am advised that:

(1)      (a) 2.5 FTE

(b)  3 FTE

(c)  3 FTE

(d)  3 FTE

(2) Yes. This Service will expand to 8 FTE during 2019/20.


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