214. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Education and Training:

I refer to development on Department of Education property over the period 2012 – 17, and I ask:

(a) for each financial year, how many development approvals were granted for sites owned by the Department of Education;

(b) for each financial year, how many trees were removed from Department of Education owned sites to make way for sanctioned development;

(c) for each financial year, how many trees were removed from Department of Education owned sites on the basis that the tree was dangerous and/or unhealthy;

(d) does the department have any policies regarding the retention of mature trees or the planting of new trees when planning new developments on school sites; and

(e) if yes to (d), would the Minister please table these policies?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:


Year Development Approvals Granted
2012 - 13 175
2013 - 14 153
2014 - 15 99
2015 - 16 142
2016 - 17 180

(b) The Department of Education does not have this information.

(c) The Department of Education removed the following trees, which were dead or posed a safety risk:

Year Number Removed
2012 - 13 363
2013 - 14 353
2014 - 15 550
2015 - 16 425
2016 - 17 482

(d) Yes. The guidelines for dealing with existing trees and planting of new trees at new schools are provided on page 17 of the Landscape section of the Department’s Primary School Brief. This section provides for the consideration of all elements that contribute to a well-planned and operating school including the location of existing and new trees. When undertaking new development, the Department of Education retains mature trees wherever safe and practical to do so.

(e) [See tabled paper no 532.] for the relevant sections from the Landscape Brief relating to trees

Tabled paper 532$file/tp-532.pdf


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