132. Hon ALISON XAMON to the Leader of the House representing the Attorney General:

I refer to the Department of Justice’s review of the criminal injuries compensation scheme.

(1)  What are the terms of the review?

(2)  When will the review be completed?

(3)  Will there be a consultation process?

(4)  If yes to (3), who will be consulted?

(5)  Will the review report be made publicly available?

Hon SUE ELLERY replied:
I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.

(1)  On 21 September 2017 the Attorney General gave approval for the Department of Justice to prepare a full consultative business case. This business case will examine the schemes in other jurisdictions and make recommendations about an appropriate scheme for Western Australia that in its processes are both effective in timeliness and the cost to government.

(2)  The department has indicated that the review will be completed by October 2018.

(3)  Yes.

(4)  The department has proposed that the Chief Assessor of Criminal Injuries Compensation, the heads of jurisdiction, the Commissioner for Victims of Crime and victim support services be consulted.

(5)  No.


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