1071. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Corrective Services:

I refer to the provision of supported bail accommodation for young people, and I ask:

(a)  how many children and young people on remand are currently held in Banksia Hill Detention Centre because there is no suitable bail accommodation available for them;

(b)  how many supported bail accommodation places for children and young people are currently funded by the Department of Corrective Services;

(c)  where are these located; and

(d)  why are the children and young people in (a) not accommodated in the funded services?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

The Department of Justice advises:

(a)  As at 23 April 2018 there are four (4) young people in custody who are eligible for bail.

(b)  The Department of Justice (the Department) funds 23 Bail Services placements across the State.

(c)  The Bail Services are located in the following regions:

Metropolitan, Goldfields, Mid-West Gascoyne, Pilbara,

East Kimberley, and

West Kimberley.

(d)  Of the four (4) young people currently in custody:

Two (2) are in the care of the CEO of Child Protection and Family Support (CPFS), One (1) is not eligible for Bail Services due to bail conditions set by Magistrate,

One (1) is eligible for Bail Services and the Department is currently investigating placement options for this young person.


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