166. Hon ALISON XAMON to the minister representing the Minister for Corrective Services:

I refer to the young woman who in August 2017 was transported naked and handcuffed from Bandyup Women’s Prison to the Frankland Centre at Graylands Hospital.

(1)  Has the minister taken any action to prevent other prisoners being subjected to such inhumane treatment?

(2)  If yes to (1), what action has been taken?

(3)  If no to (1), why not?

(4)  Is the minister confident that appropriate measures are now in place to prevent further incidents occurring?

(5)  If no to (4), why not?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. The Department of Justice advises the following.

(1)–(5) This matter is currently under investigation by the department and a review is being undertaken by the Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services into the transport of people in custody to secure mental health facilities. The department is unable to provide a comment until the completion of the investigation and review.



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