1633. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Corrective Services:

I refer to the prison health reform group, and I ask:

(a)  would the Minister please list the members of the group;

(b)  when did the group last meet;

(c)  please table the minutes from the group’s last meeting;

(d)  when is the group next scheduled to meet; and

(e)  if the group is no longer meeting, why?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied: The Department of Justice advises:

(a)  Dr David Russell-Weisz, Director General, Department of Health; Timothy Marney, Commissioner, Mental Health Commission; Dr Nathan Gibson, Chief Psychiatrist, Office of the Chief Psychiatrist (ex-officio); Alistair Jones, Executive Director Strategic Policy and Evaluation, Department of Treasury; and Tony Hassall, Commissioner Corrective Services, Department of Justice.

(b)  15 June 2018.

(c)  [See tabled paper no 2116. - Hon Alison Xamon — QON No. 1633 — Meeting minutes of the Justice Health Project Oversight Committee]

Please note, as this committee was established to provide policy options and advice to Cabinet, a redacted version of the minutes has been provided. This is to ensure cabinet confidentiality is maintained.

(d)  Meeting is yet to be scheduled.

(e)  Not applicable.


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