2056. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Corrective Services:

I refer to education services at Banksia Hill Detention Centre (Banksia Hill), and I ask:

(a)  how many staff positions are funded to deliver training or education at Banksia Hill; and

(b)  for each teaching or training staff position, please advise:

(i)  the position title;

(ii)  the position FTE; and

(iii)  whether the position is currently filled?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

(a)  21.8 FTE

(b)       (i)–(iii) 1 FTE Principal

1 FTE Deputy Principal

13.4 FTE Classroom Teachers with 3.4 substantive vacancies filled by 4 staff on Fixed Term Contracts.

1 FTE Classroom Teacher Relief.

5.6 FTE Vocational Teachers with 1.6 substantive vacancies filled by 2 staff on Fixed Term Contracts.

1 FTE Vocational Teacher Relief which is substantively vacant. Currently used to employ vocational teachers.

1.4 FTE Aboriginal Education Officers.

1 FTE Youth Education Advisor

1 FTE Youth Education Advisor (custodial) 1 FTE Administration Officer

1 FTE Clerical Officer


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