
Every Western Australian should have equal access to good healthcare. Location or income should not affect the care available to people who need it. Health service provision should be equitable, socially just and responsive to changing needs. Individual health outcomes are influenced by biological, social, economic and environmental factors, which must be addressed as part of a comprehensive health care system.

Alison and the Greens endorse the World Health Organisation definition of health as the state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and therefore seek a holistic approach to health that includes a focus on disease prevention, health promotion and environmental determinants of health.

Formerly a co-leader of the state-wide WA Mental Health Network, Alison has in depth knowledge of the delivery of health services in Western Australia. She is passionate about community managed health services and ensuring that the voices of those receiving services are integral to informing service design.

Alison will always advocate for a fair and equitable health system in WA. She will continue to work towards increasing resources for prevention and early intervention approaches so fewer Western Australians, their families and communities incur the social and financial impacts that poor health can bring.