2032. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Industrial Relations:

I refer to the responsibilities of WorkCover and I ask:

(a)  does WorkCover monitor and/or audit the use of private investigators by the insurers providing WorkCover-compliant insurance to Western Australian businesses in relation to Workers Compensation claims;

(b)  if yes to (a), what information does WorkCover monitor and collect regarding this use of private investigators;

(c)  does WorkCover monitor and/or audit the use of medical professionals by the insurers providing WorkCover-compliant insurance to Western Australian businesses in relation to Workers Compensation claims; and

(d)  if yes to (c), what information does WorkCover monitor and collect regarding the use of medical professionals by the insurers?

Hon Alannah MacTiernan replied:

(a)  No.

(b)  Not applicable.

(c)  No.

(d)  Not applicable.


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