2413. Hon Alison Xamon to the Leader of the House representing the Minister for Sport and Recreation:

I refer to WA Football Commission, and I ask:

(a)  for the last ten years, can the Minister please table a summary of the grants that have been made to this body including:

(i)  the date of grant;

(ii)  the amount of the grant;

(iii)  the purpose of the grant; and

(iv)  by which date it was anticipated the grant would have been acquitted;

(b)  has this body had any debt to the State Government extinguished; and

(c)  if yes to (b), please advise in each instance:

(i)  when the debt was extinguished;

(ii)  how much debt was extinguished; and

(iii)  what the debt was originally for?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:

(a)  (i)–(iv) [See tabled paper no 3148 - Hon Alison Xamon — QON No. 2413 — Summary of grants that have been made to the WA Football Commission for the last ten years ]

Please note that this list of grants excludes the $11.2 million paid to the Western Australian Football Commission in the 2018–19 State Budget as part of the initial 10 year funding agreement between the State Government and the Commission to secure Optus Stadium as the home of AFL in Western Australia.

(b)  No.

(c)  (i)–(iii) Not applicable.


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