115. Hon ALISON XAMON to the parliamentary secretary representing the Minister for Mental Health:

I refer to the need for a 55-bed residential rehabilitation service in the South West Region identified in the “Better Choices. Better Lives: Western Australian Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan 2015 - 2025” .

(1) Will the government commit to abiding by the original time line proposed for the development of this facility?

(2) If no to (1), how does the government propose to support people who are desperately in need of alcohol and other drug services in this region, particularly in light of recent findings that Bunbury has the highest incidence of methamphetamine use in Western Australia?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. I am informed of the following —

(1) The state government has committed to residential rehabilitation and treatment services in the South West Region as part of its election commitment to a comprehensive and integrated whole-of-government methamphetamine action plan.

(2) Not applicable. However, it should be noted that the assertion that Bunbury has the highest incidence of methamphetamine use in Western Australia may be misleading as it is one of only two regional sites being subject to state-based wastewater analysis.


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