753. Hon ALISON XAMON to the minister representing the Minister for Police:

I refer to the coroner’s recommendation that the Western Australia Police Force manual be amended to provide that a welfare screening of an intoxicated person for the purpose of admission to custody in a lockup is not complete unless the person has had a health assessment by a nurse; or, if a nurse is not available and present, a health assessment at the hospital.

(1)  Does the government support this recommendation?

(2)  If no to (1), why not?

(3)  If yes to (1), has the government undertaken any work to progress this recommendation?

(4)  If yes to (3), what work has been undertaken?

(5)  If no to (3), why not?

I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.

(1)–(5) This recommendation is supported in principle. The government is currently considering how best to implement it. The Western Australia Police Force is working in partnership with the Department of Justice and the Department of Health to develop an improved screening assessment, including triggers for further medical assessment.


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