97. Hon ALISON XAMON to the Minister for Disability Services:

I refer to the government’s review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme model.

(1) When will the government inform consumers of the findings of the current review, and the implications in terms of their access to services?

(2) Will the government commit to developing a co-design model for engagement that involves people-with-disability representatives in the design of governance, policy and operational aspects, irrespective of which scheme is agreed to?

(3) If no to (2), why not?

(4) What governance and/or steering mechanism will be in place on 1 July that includes people with disability and their representative organisations?

(5) Will people with disability and their representative organisations be consulted on any new or amended bilateral agreement for the NDIS in WA?

(6) If no to (5), why not?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of this question.

(1) As the member is aware, the former government entered into an agreement to deliver a National Disability Insurance Scheme administered locally by the Western Australian government commencing 1 July 2017. This agreement was signed just one day prior to the issuing of writs for the recent election. This government wants to ensure that this is the best agreement possible for Western Australia . The previous government left a number of questions that need to be resolved. The WA government is committed to ensuring that Western Australians can continue to access the NDIS while we work with the commonwealth to ensure that we have the best agreement possible.

(2) Since coming to office, I have consulted extensively with people with disability, their families and carers; peak bodies representing individuals and the sector; individual organisations, big and small; and industry and special interest groups. I will ensure that that will continue should the government proceed with a state-controlled NDIS.

(3) The state government would not have direct control over the governance, policy and operational design of a National Disability Insurance Agency — NDIS.

(4) This will depend on the results of our current review.

(5) Not applicable.

(6) This government is currently reviewing the existing bilateral agreement. Since coming to office, I have consulted extensively and directly with people with disability, and I am committed to ensuring that there are appropriate mechanisms for this to continue.


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