3364. Hon Alison Xamon to the parliamentary secretary representing the Deputy Premier; Minister for Health; Mental Health:
(1) Please advise which statutory reviews of legislation within the Minister’s portfolios are currently outstanding?
(2) On what date were each of these reviews due?
Hon Alanna Clohesy replied:
Department of Health and health service providers advise:
(1) Food Act 2008; Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Act 1966; Tobacco Products Control Act 2006.
(2) Due date for review to commence:
(a) Food Act 2008 – End of 2014.
(b) Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Act 1966 – End of 2016.
(c) Tobacco Products Control Act 2006 – July 2018; the review is currently in progress.
Mental Health Commission advises:
(1) The Mental Health Commission (MHC) is the agency principally responsible for assisting the Minister with the administration of the Mental Health Act 2014 (MH Act) and the Alcohol and other Drug Act 1974 (AOD Act). The planning for the statutory review of the MH Act is currently being done with a view to the review being commenced in 2021. The statutory review of the AOD Act has not been progressed.
(2) The MH Act provides that the statutory review be commenced as soon as practicable after 30 November 2020. The AOD Act provides that the statutory review be commenced as soon as practicable after 1 July 2020.
Health & Disability Services Complaints Office advises:
(1) Reviews of the Health and Disability Services (Complaints) Act 1995 and Part 6 of the Disability Services Act 1993 are outstanding.
(2) The reviews are due as soon as practicable after five years after the date on which the Health and Disability Services Legislation Amendment Act 2010 (the Amendment Act) came into operation in 2010.
Healthway advises:
For WA Health Promotion Foundation
(1) Nil.
(2) Not applicable.
Animal Resources Authority advises:
(1) Nil.
(2) Not applicable.