1374. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Education and Training:

I refer to records management and archiving, and I ask:

(a)  for each of the last five financial years finishing 2016–17, for each Government agency within the Minister’s portfolio, could the Minister please provide the cost of records archiving services including:

(i)  collection;

(ii)  storage;

(iii)  retrieval; and

(iv)  destruction;

(b)  for each of the last five financial years, finishing 2016–17, for each Government agency within the Minister’s portfolio, could the Minister please provide the cost of records management consultancy services provided by:

(i)  the State Records Office; and

(ii)  private consultants and/or consultancy businesses; and

(c)  for each Government agency reporting to the Minister, could the Minister please explain the process by which records held offsite by third-party private companies can be searched and accessed by:

(i)  members of the agency;

(ii)  members of other Government agencies;

(iii)  members of academia; and

(iv)  members of the public?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:

Department of Education

(a)      (i)–(iv)  The answers to these questions include the Department of Education (central and regional education offices only). As the question covers the time period prior to amalgamations under the 1 July 2017 machinery of government changes, the former Department of Education Services, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, and the former Country High School Hostels Authority have been itemised separately. To answer this question for schools would require a survey to be completed by all schools. This has not been undertaken.

The Department does not classify records storage costs to the level of detail requested in this question.


Department of Education Services


School Curriculum and Standards Authority


Country High School Hostels Authority


Department of Education


FY 12/13

9 921.16

3 760.67


198 716.96

FY 13/14

20 825.31

2 130.65


211 810.16

FY 14/15

19 263.00

1 447.15

1 444.61

129 348.63

FY 15/16

16 821.78

9 794.75

1 556.87

152 527.86

FY 16/17

22 820.66

2 132.74

2 082.82

99 220.96

(b)      (i)  Across the financial years 2012–13 to 2016–17, no costs were incurred by any of the agencies for consultancy services provided by the State Records Office.

(ii) In 2012–13, the Department of Education Services incurred a total of $1 360 in costs for records management consultancy services provided by private consultants and/or consultancy businesses. No other costs were incurred by any of the other agencies in that year and none were incurred by any agency from 2013–14 to 2016–17.

(i)–(iv)  All requests for access to records held offsite by third-party private companies are now directed to the Department of Education Corporate Information Services branch. The branch will search for the requested records and facilitate appropriate access.

Department of Training and Workforce Development














33 198.15

47 335 76

48 714.91

25 228.34

25 657.58


1 349.52





*note invoicing for collection, storage and retrieval is combined through a single service provider.













(i) 0 0 0 0 0
(ii) 0 0 0 0 0

(c)       (i) In accordance with the Department’s records management policy and procedures;

(ii)–(iv) Accessed via Freedom of Information process.

Prior to 11 April 2016, there were 11 TAFE colleges (known as State Training Providers) which there was no central repository for this information. As a result, the current TAFE colleges can only report from 11 April 2016 onwards.

North Metropolitan TAFE



11 April 2016 to 30 June 17



33 020.00


8 525.00



11 April 2016 to 30 June 17



(ii) 0.00

(c)      (i) Searchable via the recordkeeping system with appropriate security applied;

(ii)–(iv) Accessed via Freedom of Information process.

Central Regional TAFE



11 April 2016 to 30 June 16


1 July 2017 to 30 June 17



1 440

3 069

(iv) 0 0



11 April 2016 to 30 June 17


(i) 0.00
(ii) 0.00

(c)      (i) Central Regional TAFE staff have access to search records (within set security permissions) held off-site through the Electronic Records Management Systems HP Content Manager. The Records Management Coordinator manages all other requests for document access;

(ii)–(iv) Accessed via Freedom of Information process.

North Regional TAFE



11 April 2016 to 30 June 16


1 July 2017 to 30 June 17




5 295


1 023

6 312



11 April 2016 to 30 June 17


(i) 0.00
(ii) 0.00

(c)       (i) In accordance with the TAFEs records management policy and procedures;

(ii)–(iv) Accessed via Freedom of Information process.

South Regional TAFE



11 April 2016 to 30 June 16


1 July 2017 to 30 June 17



11 094.83

31 500.58

(ii) 0.00.




11 April 2016 to 30 June 17


(i) 0.00
(ii) 0.00

(c)       (i)  All requests for retrieval of South Regional TAFE (SRT) records held offisite by Grace Records Management are managed by SRT’s Records Coordinator. Application is made to Grace Records Management and the records are delivered to SRT within 48 hours.

(ii)–(iv) Application is made to South Regional TAFE and where the request is deemed legitimate the retrieval is managed as per (i) above.

South Metropolitan TAFE



11 April 2016 to 30 June 17 $


83 450.17



11 April 2016 to 30 June 17


(i) 0.00
(ii) 0.00

(c)      (i)  In accordance with the TAFEs records management policy and procedures;

(ii)–(iv) Accessed via Freedom of Information process.

Building Construction Industry Training Fund














3 163.57

5 829.18

6 400.24

5 673.80

5 737.22

Records storage costs are not classified to the level of detail requested in this question.



11 April 2016 to 30 June 17


(i) 0.00
(ii) 0.00

(c)       (i) All records can be recalled at any time. Either routine (next day) or urgent (same day) delivery.

(ii)–(iv) Application is made to the Construction Training Fund and where the request is deemed legitimate the retrieval is managed as per (i) above.


Parliamentary Type: