HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [10.25 am]: I present a petition containing 2 181 signatures couched in the following terms —
To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled.
We the undersigned oppose the premature construction of an outer harbour in Kwinana as being actively promoted by some special interest lobby groups in Western Australia. The construction and operation of a new outer harbour facility in Cockburn Sound would forever destroy the sensitive marine environment and the creation of a Special Economic Zone to make the project economically feasible are both are at odds with the values of the community.
Fremantle Port can currently handle trade volumes for a city the size of Sydney and should be allowed to reach its capacity naturally, not closed or capped prematurely to justify the agenda being promoted by special interest lobbyists.
We therefore ask the Legislative Council to go on record opposing the construction of new port facilities until the existing port infrastructure at Fremantle Harbour has reached its full capacity.
And your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray.
[See paper 2963 - New outer harbour facilities in Kwinana and operation of Fremantle Port — Requests the Legislative Council to oppose - (2181 signatures)]