HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [1.04 pm]: I present a petition containing 950 signatures, couched in the following terms —
To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled.
We the undersigned are supportive of the progress of Karnup Train Station. The state government, specifically the Minister for Transport and Planning Hon Rita Saffioti, has delayed this train station for 3 years despite it being a promise at the 2017 state election. We call on the Minister, and the state government, to complete the business case and start construction immediately.
We therefore ask the Legislative Council to support the immediate construction of the Karnup Train Station.
And your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray.
[See paper 4665. - Construction of Karnup Train Station — Requests the Legislative Council to support - (950 signatures) ]