“Unfinished business: The Corruption and Crime Commission’s responset o the Committee’s report on Dr Cunningham and Ms Atoms” — Motion
Resumed from 9 May on the following motion moved by Hon Alison Xamon —
That the report be noted.
Hon ALISON XAMON: As members will be aware, this report is one that has already been subject to considerable discussion and debate in this place. I want particularly to acknowledge the very helpful and extensive contribution made by Hon Adele Farina, outlining the history of how we got to this point with this report, why it is of such great importance to this chamber, and why it is worthy of ongoing consideration.
This matter is currently still live before the courts. As such, I am concerned to ensure that thorough ongoing discussion of the matter can occur in an environment in which we are aware of what the final determination of the court process is going to look like.
Consideration Postponed
Hon ALISON XAMON: I move —
That consideration of the seventh report of the Joint Standing Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission be postponed to the next sitting of the Council.
Hon NICK GOIRAN: I apologise to the honourable member; I was momentarily distracted. Perhaps she could assist and clarify for me by way of interjection the reason we need to defer.
Hon ALISON XAMON: I thank the honourable member, who I am aware has also been paying quite close attention to this particular matter. As I just explained, the court decision on the appeal process for this matter has been deferred and we still do not have a final determination. As such, because I think this is an issue that is worthy of full consideration, particularly once we know the outcome of those proceedings, I proposed to the chamber that we defer consideration until a later date.
Hon NICK GOIRAN: First of all, I thank Hon Alison Xamon for that helpful explanation and I indicate that I concur with her that the matter would probably be best postponed at this time.
Question put and passed.