3151. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Transport:
I refer to the new fence erected near the Lord Street overpass, and I ask:
(a) did the Department undertake any consultation before erecting the fence, with:
(i) the Department of Communities;
(ii) any community sector organisations who deliver homelessness services; and
(iii) any other individuals or organisations;
(b) if yes to any of (a)(i)–(iii):
(i) who was consulted; and
(ii) what feedback was received during the consultation; and
(c) if no to any of (a)(i)–(iii), why not?
Hon Stephen Dawson replied:
(a)–(c) The PTA became aware people were sleeping and frequenting its land between Lord Street and McIver station and had attempted over several months to maintain the cleanliness and security of that part of the rail reserve in coordination with the City of Perth and Main Roads (who owned adjoining land) and with WA Police.
The PTA consulted with WA Police and the City of Perth. Since erecting the fence, the PTA has had ongoing and formal engagement with the Department of Communities, WA Police, City of Perth, Main Roads and relevant non-government organisations to help manage the issue.