2752. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Corrective Services:

(1)  Which roles are currently vacant at Hakea prison?

(2)  How many FTE are currently vacant for each of the roles from (1)?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

Please Note: This question has been answered in relation to roles for public servants and health officers. However, it has been answered in relation to vacant positions for uniformed officers, as Prison Officers and Senior Officers work a rolling roster, roles are filled based on operational requirements for the day.

Public service positions:

Catering Supervisor 1 FTE

Prison Education Assessor 1 FTE

Treatment Course Planning Assessor 3 FTE

Health Services positions:

Clinical Nurse 2 FTE

Pharmacist 1 FTE

Nurse Practitioner 1 FTE

Prison Medical Officer 3 FTE

Uniformed roles:

Senior Officers 7 FTE

Prison officers – no vacant positions

VSO vacant positions –

Gardens 1 FTE

Official Visits Supervisor 1 FTE

Meals Industry 1FTE

Movements Officer 1FTE

Reception Officer 2 FTE

Recreation Supervisor 2FTE

Recreation Officer 4FTE

Video Link Officer 1FTE.


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Parliamentary Type: