HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [10.06 am]: I present a petition containing 9 526 signatures couched in the following terms.
To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled.
We the undersigned residents of Western Australia are opposed to greyhound racing in Western Australia and call upon the Government to ban greyhound racing.
Greyhound racing is an outdated industry that has been banned in numerous countries and states. The greyhound racing industry is inherently inhumane and incompatible with contemporary animal welfare expectations. The greyhound racing industry is unsustainable and relies on the community to deal with surplus dogs that are overbred to meet racing requirements.
Your petitioners therefore respectfully request the Legislative Council recommends that the Government; bans greyhound racing, allows a 2-year phase out of the industry, assists industry participants in reskilling, rehome every dog, and approve a few breeders to continue as registered breeders for greyhounds as pets only.
And your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray.
[See paper 192. - Banning Greyhound Racing in WA — Requests the Legislative Council to make recommendations the Government ban greyhound racing, and allow a 2 year phase out of the industry assist industry participants in reskilling, rehome every dog, and approve a few breeders to continue as registered breeders for greyhounds as pets only (9526 signatures)]
A similar petition was presented by Hon Alison Xamon (1 153 signatures). [See paper 193 - Banning Greyhound Racing in WA — Requests the Legislative Council to make recommendations to the Government bands greyhound racing, prohibits dog transfers overseas and interstate and supports adoption programmes for current racing dogs]