381. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Education and Training:
I refer to the Western Australia State Training Plan 2017–2020, and to the Board’s identification of the need to ‘expand training opportunities in technology skills development for older workers, caregivers in aged care, as well as for voluntary caregivers who are currently not in the workforce’, and I ask:
(a) has the Government undertaken any action to address this need;
(b) if yes to (a), will the Minister please provide information on work which has been undertaken; and
(c) if no to (a), why not?
Hon Sue Ellery replied:
(a) Yes.
(b) The State Training Board is developing a workforce development plan for the social assistance and allied health sectors which will include the consideration of the use of technology and skills development of older workers and caregivers in the aged care sector. This work is due to be completed by mid-2018, which will then inform the Department of Training and Workforce Development’s training priorities and settings.
(c) Not applicable.