2301. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Corrective Services:

I refer to services for men who access child pornography or who otherwise are considered to be at risk of sexual offending against children, and I ask:

 (a) does the department fund any services or programs specifically aimed at addressing the criminogenic needs of this cohort;

 (b) if no to (a), why not;

 (c) if yes to (a), would the Minister please advise:

(i)  the nature of any services/programs offered; and

(ii)  who provides these services;

 (d) how many of these programs/services are prison-based;

 (e) how many people accessed these prison-based programs/services in:

(i) 2016–17;

(ii)  2017–18; and

(iii)  2018–19;

(f) how many of these programs/services are provided in the community;

(g) how many people accessed these prison-based programs/services in:

(i) 2016–17;

 (ii)  2017–18; and

(iii)  2018–19; and

(h) how much funding was allocated to these services in

(i) 2016–17;

(ii)  2017–18;

(iii)  2018–19; and

(iv)  2019–20?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

(a)  Yes.

(b)  Not applicable.

(c)       (i) A range of sex offender programs are delivered to offenders who have treatment needs related to sexual offending. This includes those convicted of sexual offences against children. These programs are delivered both in the community and in prison and the recommended program is matched to the offenders’ assessed level of risk, need and responsivity. This can include individual counselling if a group intervention is determined to be unsuitable.

 (ii) The Department of Justice, Corrective Services.




Programs Delivered

Number of offenders enrolled in programs delivered

Number of individual offenders received individual treatment



7 70

Data is not available and would require review of each referral individually



3 30 Data is not available and would require review of each referral individually


Prison 10 103 Data is not available and would require review of each referral individually
  Community 3 28 Data is not available and would require review of each referral individually


Prison 9 87 Data is not available and would require review of each referral individually
  Community 6 48 Data is not available and would require review of each referral individually

(h) The Department is unable to provide these figures as funding is provided for Offender Programs and is not broken down into individual offending cohorts.


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