309. Hon ALISON XAMON to the minister representing the Minister for Corrective Services:

I refer to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Western Australian corrective service facilities.

(1)  Are all prisoners and detainees provided access to additional soap or hand sanitiser?

(2)  Are there any costs associated with access to soap or hand sanitiser for prisoners or detainees?

(3)  If yes to (2), how much?

(4)  Are all prisoners in Banksia Hill Detention Centre being provided extra cleaning FTE?

(5)  If yes to (4), how many extra FTE are being provided?

(6)  If no to (4), why not?


I thank Hon Alison Xamon for some notice of the question.

(1)  Yes.

(2)  No, there is nil cost to the prisoner or detainees.

(3)  Not applicable.

(4)  Yes. Firstly, extra prisoner work groups have been implemented across all sites. Secondly, Banksia Hill Detention Centre is providing extra cleaning support staff, soap and hand sanitiser, and has introduced the GlitterBug, which is an education learning aid to assist in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19.

(5)–(6) There is no increase in FTE as this is being delivered within the current resources and being led by the Banksia health service team.


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