316. Hon ALISON XAMON to the Leader of the House representing the Premier:

I refer to current restrictions on regional and interstate travel as part of efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to the provision allowing some travel on compassionate grounds.

(1)  What is the definition of “compassionate grounds” being used to allow travel that would otherwise be restricted?

(2)  Is there a process by which individuals apply to be permitted to travel on compassionate grounds?

(3)  If no to (2), how does the Premier envisage this provision will work?

Hon SUE ELLERY replied:
I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. This answer is as at yesterday’s date.

(1)–(3) The definitions around “excepted occupations/purposes” and “compassionate grounds” are being worked through at the moment. These will be finalised for the direction on hard borders currently in development and ready for implementation later in the week.


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