
HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [1.01 pm]: I present a petition containing 50 signatures couched in the following terms —

To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned petitioners, strongly oppose the Draft Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS3) for the City of Nedlands, as modified by the Minister for Planning.

The draft LPS3 targets areas of the Hollywood, Melvista and Dalkeith Wards in the City of Nedlands for high density redevelopment. Our objections to the draft LPS3 include but are not limited to the following:

  • Development of a plan whose sole aim is to achieve density targets without regard for the consequences.

  • Destruction of the local character and amenity of established residential communities, with huge social implications for both current and future residents.

  • The targeting of residential land for high density re-zoning, ignoring significant areas of non-residential land within the City of Nedlands such as the under-utilised land adjacent to the Fremantle rail line that could be re-zoned.

  • Minimal or no access to either public or private green space for current and future residents in the affected areas.

  • Destruction of the green canopy in areas targeted for high density development.

  • Lack of strategic transport planning for Stirling Highway, which is already close to capacity as advised by Main Roads.

  • Failure to consider the concerns that were raised against the advertised version of LPS3 in Q1 2018.

  • Failure to inform individual residents directly affected of the full implications of the zoning changes.

  • No opportunity for residents in the targeted areas to provide feedback on the Minister’s version of draft LPS3. The imposition of LPS3 on the community against its wishes.

We ask the Legislative Council to support:

  • The rejection of the draft LPS3 for the City of Nedlands.

  • A more holistic approach to town planning that addresses the concerns above.

  • A process of community consultation that endeavours to capture the local community’s vision for the development of the City which can then be used as a solid basis for the update of the Local Planning Strategy and LPS3.

  • Update of the draft LPS3 and the Local Planning Strategy including proactive public consultation.

  • Full transparency in the planning process.

And your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray.



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