112. Hon ALISON XAMON to the parliamentary secretary representing the Minister for Health:

I refer to the procurement of ambulance services in WA.

(1)  What is the time frame for the new service agreements to be established?

(2)  Is the issue of the cost to consumers of ambulance services being considered as part of the procurement process?

(3)  Will the government consider providing free ambulance services for people on concession cards, consistent with other Australian jurisdictions?

(4)  If no to (3), why not?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.

(1)  The current service agreement with St John Ambulance expires on 30 June 2020.

(2)  The Department of Health has engaged the Health Consumers’ Council to undertake extensive consumer engagement to inform the design of future ambulance services. This includes consideration of cost issues for consumers. The outcomes of that consultation are under active consideration by the Department of Health.

(3)  The issue will be considered as part of the overall approach to funding ambulance services.

(4)  Not applicable.


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