1167. Hon ALISON XAMON to the Leader of the House representing the Attorney General:

I refer to my question on notice 1710 of 22 November 2018 regarding the development of Aboriginal justice agreements.

(1) Has the Attorney General now appropriately considered this recommendation?

(2)      (a) If yes to (1), does the McGowan government support the redevelopment of a Western Australian Aboriginal justice agreement?

(b)  If yes to (2)(a), when will a new agreement be developed; and which organisations or individuals will be involved in the development of the agreement?

(c)  If no to (2)(a), why not?

(d)  If no to (1), why not?

Hon SUE ELLERY replied:

I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.

(1)  The development of a new Aboriginal justice agreement and its relationship to the state’s strategies to address over-representation of Aboriginal people is still under consideration. Any proposal for an Aboriginal justice agreement will be subject to extensive consultation with Aboriginal people and will be guided by the Department of Justice’s Aboriginal Advisory Group, currently being re-established; key Aboriginal community–controlled organisations; and other key stakeholders across the state.

(2)  (a)–(d) Not applicable.


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