441. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Corrective Services:

I refer to the Inspector of Custodial Services Report of an Announced Inspection of Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre (April 2015), and to the Inspector’s finding that the “security classification process for detainees remained severely under-developed”, and that there “was no established minimum-security regime, which was a missed opportunity to manage detainees in more flexible ways and provide a behaviour incentive for detainees”, and I ask:

(a) has a new security and classification tool been implemented;

(b) if yes to (a), will the Minister please provide information about the tool, including:

(i)  how the security classifications of individual young people are determined;

(ii)  the different security classifications available;

(iii)  how often each young person’s security classification is reviewed;

(iv)  the numbers of young people currently accommodated at Banksia Hill Detention in each security classification;

(v)  how the security classification is used to determine where young people will be accommodated;

(vi)  whether young people with different security classifications are accommodated together;

(vii)  whether there is now an established minimum-security regime;

(viii)  if yes to (vii), please describe this regime; and

(ix)  if no to (vii), why not;

(c) if yes to (a), has the tool been evaluated;

(d) if yes to (c), will the Minister please table a copy of the evaluation;

(e) if no to (c), why not;

(f) if no to (d), why not; and

(g) if no to (a), why not

Hon Stephen Dawson replied: The Department of Justice advises:

(a)  Work on a new classification tool is currently underway.

(b)  Not Applicable.

(c)  Not Applicable.

(d)  Not Applicable.

(e)  Not Applicable.

(f)  Not Applicable.

(g)  Not Applicable.


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