1972. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Emergency Services; Corrective Services:

I refer to the Minister’s intention to review the Young Offenders Act 1994, and I ask:

 (a) what is the intended timeframe of the review;

(b) who will undertake the review;

 (c) has the scope or Terms of Reference of the review been finalised;

 (d) if yes:

(i) will the Minister please table a copy; and

(ii) who was consulted in the development of the scope or Terms of Reference of the review; and

(e) If no to c:

(i) when is it anticipated they will be finalised; and

(ii) who will be consulted in the development of the scope or Terms of Reference of the review?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

(a)  Not yet determined.

(b)  Department of Justice.

(c)  No.

(d)  Not applicable.

(e)       (i) By mid 2019.

(ii) The President of the Children’s Court, Inspector of Custodial Services and Commissioner for Children and Young People.


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