

1748. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Education and Training:

I refer to the development of the Minister’s plan to address violence in schools, and I ask:

(a)  when is it anticipated the plan will be finalised;

(b)  which groups or individuals have been or will be consulted in the development of the plan;

(c)  are you anticipating the plan will include introduction of an automatic suspension policy; and

Stop the ISWA move

Moving the International School of Western Australia (ISWA) to the Doubleview Primary School site was part of the Barnett Government’s western suburbs school strategy; a plan which was intended to free up the City Beach Senior High School site so that it may be reopened in the future to cater for the projected population growth in the area. The Government has since scrapped that plan and instead built and opened Bob Hawke College, at Kitchener Park in Subiaco. Despite the ISWA move now being unnecessary, the process continued.


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