337. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Planning:

I refer to the Shenton Park Rehabilitation Hospital site, and I ask:

(a)  if the bush area were left intact, what is the area of the site that would fall into each of the Bushfire Hazard categories:

(i)  Extreme Hazard;

(ii)  Moderate Hazard; and

(iii)  Low Hazard;

(b)  if the bush area were left intact, what areas of the site would fall into each of the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) categories:

(i)  BAL-LOW;

(ii)  BAL-12.5;

(iii)  BAL-19;

(iv)  BAL-40; and

(v)  BAL-FZ;

(c)  will the Minister please table a BAL Contour Map of the site with the bushland intact;

(d)  can the Minister please advise if it is possible for the infill targets for the site to be met using the appropriate construction techniques for the relevant BAL levels (as defined in AS 3959 – Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas) with the bushland intact:

(i) if the infill targets cannot be met with the bushland intact while complying with AS 3959, please explain why not;

(e)  under the gazetted improvement scheme, what is the area of the site that would fall into each of the Bushfire Hazard categories:

(i)  Extreme Hazard;

(ii)  Moderate Hazard; and

(iii)  Low Hazard;

(f)  under the gazetted improvement scheme, what is the area of the site that would fall into each of the Bushfire Hazard categories:

(i)  BAL-LOW;

(ii)  BAL-12.5;

(iii)  BAL-19;

(iv)  BAL-40; and

(v)  BAL-FZ; and

(g)  will the Minister please table a BAL Contour Map of the site under the gazetted scheme?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

(a)      (i) 2.94 ha

(ii) 5.25 ha

(iii) 7.60 ha

(b)      (i) 7.42 ha

(ii) 3.05 ha

(iii) 0.39 ha (Note an additional 0.26ha is designated as BAL-29) (iv) 0.17 ha
(v) 4.50 ha

(c)  [See tabled paper no 805.]

(d)  No.

(i) Removing development in this area would lead to the loss of approximately 160 dwellings and could compromise the ability to deliver the minimum 1100 target set for the site under the current planning framework.

(e)       (i) 0 ha

(ii) 2.57 ha

 (iii) 13.22 ha

(f)        (i) 13.9 ha

(ii)  2.30 ha

(iii)  0.18 ha (note an additional 0.08 ha is designated as BAL-29)

(iv)  0.07 ha

(v)  0.08 ha

(g)  [See tabled paper no 805.]

Tabled paper 805$file/tp-805.pdf


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