

HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [6.39 pm]: I rise to make some more comments about the State Coroner’s report “Inquest into the deaths of: Thirteen Children and Young Persons in the Kimberley Region, Western Australia”. Tonight I will specifically focus on the coroner’s findings on the provision of mental health services. As I have highlighted previously, many of the young people who died had grown up in circumstances in which they were constantly exposed to domestic violence, had insecure living arrangements and had siblings or relatives who had died by suicide.


HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [10.00 pm]: I rise to reflect on the life of Karen Merrin, who passed away yesterday morning after a long battle with cancer. Karen would be well known to many members of this place. She has left a significant legacy in this state, specifically in the community legal sector. I want to acknowledge so much of what Karen has done and her achievements. This information about Karen’s work in the sector is from the Community Legal Centres Association of Western Australia, which has written a very good obituary for Karen.


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