

HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [6.20 pm]: I will make some comments about the City Beach high school site, an issue that will not go away. I indicate my ongoing disappointment with the government’s decision-making around what will happen with this site. To reiterate, I am talking most particularly about the decision to spend millions of dollars of public money to move the International School of Western Australia to the Doubleview Primary School site, which has not been good for the Doubleview community and has been a monumental waste of funds.


HON ALISON XAMON (North Metropolitan) [9.47 pm]: I rise tonight to pick up on another issue on integrity of government. I have spoken about this issue previously in this place, but it really needs to be expounded—that is, the need to finally get model litigant guidelines in this state. Western Australia does not have them and they are long overdue. It is a failure on the part of WA that we do not have them. “Model litigant guidelines” is not a particularly sexy name.


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